24.3356 (Windows)

Other web filter levels (logs only)
Minor bugs fixed

24.3353 (Windows)

Fixed group counting twice (URL+EXE)
\Don't show message again\ issue fixed
Problems with week counting fixed
Minor improvements and fixes

24.3352 (Windows)

HOTFIX: Error Web age fixed

24.3350 (Windows)

Database routines revised
Web filter and fallback revised
Auto-restore faulty blacklist
Debug log extended

24.3342 (Windows)

Bonus TANS now show the renewal period
Fixed bug locked calling of limit/report details
Fixed bug multiple hints with maximum bonus

24.3339 (Windows)

Web Filter: Keyword Routines Improved
Problem with Autoupdater (NFS) fixed
New counter for used extensions
TAN entry for roaming member

23.3334 (Windows)

Issue Allowed PLUS Websites Fixed
Improved display info window
Web filtering: Improved internal cache
Web filter: Whitelist problem fixed

23.3329 (Windows)

Web Filter Hotfix Whitelist
Web filter problems ChatGPT fixed

23.3324 (Windows)

Web Filter Improvements
Problems with web filter fixed
Problems with Fifa24 (FC24) fixed
Advanced internal debug log

23.3309 (Windows)

Fixed bug in pause counting and display (remaining time)
Fixed display issue end of lock time
DB error handling improved (restart)
Delete times routine improved

23.3303 (Windows)

New feature: Renewal request
New handling of web filters for inactive users

23.3300 (Windows)

New feature: Count app (*.exe) in the background
Improved Web Filter Fallback Routine
Show logs (for child) can be hidden
Show limits (for child) can be hidden
Fixed App Lock Error with App Filter Disabled
Fixed an app (*.exe) email release request bug

23.3293 (Windows)

Time zone lockable for standard users
Bugfix wantDelete / Delete DB Times
Bugfix Sunday time limit

23.3289 (Windows)

Setup: AzureAD account discovery
Fixed error in setup on reinstall
Fixed bug with exotic region settings formats
Limit view via action button for children
Reconciliation of renewal of roaming devices
Web filtering now supports Brave

22.3266 (Windows)

Installation: Spaces in PC names now allowed
Installation: Fixed bug with disabled users
Web filter now also supports Vivaldi

22.3265 (Windows)

Display remaining time in Top3 (incl. overtime)
Revised database routines and limit control (threads)
Extension via portal at dawn new day (reset auto)
Improved standby mode detection, start-stop emails
Detection and display of Approved PLUS incl. status display improved
Last Minute Check Extension/Bonus App Before Shutdown
Database Problem Detection and Repair (in the Error Handler)
Fix bonus usage and parallel website (Youtube at Bonus App Scenario)

22.3240 (Windows)

No more multiple log entries in a row
Fixed bug limit blocking time on renewal
Bug display end of lock time fixed (quarter of an hour)

22.3239 (Windows)

Guessfix MemoryLeak objJson
Advanced Debugging Capabilities SC 1830

22.3238 (Windows)

Web filter keywords also include spaces
Fixed Web Filtering Problem Deleting Entries
Internal: Bug Report Improvements

22.3237 (Windows)

Internal: TABSSession removed
Bugfix extension no longer additive
Bugfix installer in case of incorrect password several times
Check if lock windows outside desktop boundaries
Show password checkbox added

22.3235 (Windows)

Install/uninstall routine improved

22.3233 (Windows)

Bug in Roaming Counter fixed
None allowed PLUS apps in lockdown period
Blacklist on reinstall latest version
Blacklist update 150 days back (instead of 30)

22.3223 (Windows)

Romaing improvement: Separate local counter and display

22.3222 (Windows)

New option: None Allowed PLUS for total limit -> break
New option: Allow Allowed PLUS on action -> \Lock until\

22.3221 (Windows)

Internal migration to Delphi 11
Internal conversion to mch 4
Child Controlkat/Blacklist routines (now without DLL)
Fixed bug in pause function

22.3211 (Windows)

Message from Portal in new Toast window without auto-hide
Fixed regrouping of Allowed PLUS by time limit
Internal handling javaw.exe changed (no longer a global exclude)
Support for Lunar Minecraft Client
Fixed display issue with long filenames in Toast